Where to meet when you either have a bright idea or need one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

He's No Secret Agent

Have you ever met a Quixtar agent? No? Well, I have. He's no 007, but man, is he smart! I say that because he understands me when I talk about making money on the Internet. You got to have an I.Q. that's in the stratosphere to do that.

With that said, I just got off the phone with Patrick Scully, mild-mannered Quixtar agent. He's got it together doing mega deals around Bucks and Sussex counties. Don't know exactly where that is, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that Quixtar is his part-time gig, it' s going to help him buy a new house. Now, that's cool, in my book. (No, it's not "hot" because "hot" is something - or someone - that fizzles out in nothing flat.

Quixtar. The name has a nice ring to it and so does Pat's website. Check out the link shown to your left (my right). Take a look around. Get back to me and tell me what you think of this new business opportunity. I'll be waiting!


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