Where to meet when you either have a bright idea or need one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

He's No Secret Agent

Have you ever met a Quixtar agent? No? Well, I have. He's no 007, but man, is he smart! I say that because he understands me when I talk about making money on the Internet. You got to have an I.Q. that's in the stratosphere to do that.

With that said, I just got off the phone with Patrick Scully, mild-mannered Quixtar agent. He's got it together doing mega deals around Bucks and Sussex counties. Don't know exactly where that is, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that Quixtar is his part-time gig, it' s going to help him buy a new house. Now, that's cool, in my book. (No, it's not "hot" because "hot" is something - or someone - that fizzles out in nothing flat.

Quixtar. The name has a nice ring to it and so does Pat's website. Check out the link shown to your left (my right). Take a look around. Get back to me and tell me what you think of this new business opportunity. I'll be waiting!


Monday, February 5, 2007

About My First Novel

Yes, it's true. I am an author. It feels great to say that.

I wrote a commercial fiction drama that I hope to get on to the shelves of major bookstores around the country. My story is called "Stock Power (The Novel)". "Why the tag?" you ask. The answer is pretty simple, once you know what it is.

The title of my book is remotely related to a legal document. A Stock Power is an instrument used to transfer ownership of a particular security (e.g., stock or bond certificate) to another entity. Stockbrokers and lawyers use it all the time.

In my case, stock power - which might someday be coined as "stockpower" - is the inate ability that I have to enlighten investors on how to evaluate investments. In other words, the knowledge and experience that I acquired in 18 years as a former stockbroker is a key factor to my success as an advisor and writer.

I never did much "cold" calling throughout my career. Instead, I worked diligently to provide a valuable service to each of my clients and found a way to stand apart from my peers. For a few short years, my reputation took me to various parts around the country.

This story takes place toward the end of my career when I began to lose my original vision of putting investors' interests ahead of my own. Roughly two years before my demise, I began to regard money as a source of power and comfort; and I identified with people who refected similar attitudes. When my career ended, I was demoralized and alienated, long before I was arrested by the local sheriff.

The inspiration for "Stock Power (The Novel)" came about when I reached a point in my mind where I could begin to live with my destruction and think about what I could do to reconstruct my life. The pain that I experienced was more of a prod than an excuse. The realization that I had lost one of the most precious commodities in life - a thing called trust - was agonizing and terrifying, yet motivational.

I have written hundreds of essays and editorials over the years, but nothing as dimensional and challenging as this project. During the course of working through private thoughts and hidden fears that I harbored for too long, I discovered that writing about them caused me to feel a sense of recovery and growth. Of course, psychotheraby was a necessary staple through this venture.

My greatest ambition, at this juncture, is to see the first copy of this work go on to the bookstores where readers will discover the title and find it to be of spiritual and financial value. Although it will be listed as fiction, I expect the story to have a constructive impact on investors and stockbrokers alike.

Watch for this new title at online and local book sellers for news about this exciting drama. In the meantime, I invite you to visit the link below for additional information about this project:


Bill Hudley

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sharper Edges

How to you spell acceleration? You might as well start with T-e-c-h-n-o-r-a-t-i. OMG! I haven't even cut my teeth yet on where to hang my WTF ideas. Now, we have cutting edge socio/eco/enviro fast lane blogging media that can give you whiplash if you're not awake.

Technorati is the place to be if you have anything to say! No question about that. This hot trailblazer has captured the imagination of blogoholics and other strange new species. It's a far cry from the first email. Here's to a creative and exciting new environment!

Technorati Profile
